It’s not that men aren’t interested in achieving emotional maturity or distilling their values, Manson adds. He explains that besides books about making money, and besides a wave of “creepy pickup books” in the aughts, the self-help industry hadn’t really found a way to address men. I’m probably one of four authors that they really like,” he says. Manson estimates that his events’ audiences are two-thirds female and one-third male, but he says that men are way more likely to come up to him afterwards, to tell him how he’s changed their lives. Strikingly, Manson’s books appeal to both men and women, who have historically been shuttled into separate lanes by the self-help industry: Men self-improved by getting swole or getting rich, and women self-improved by finding husbands and laying out all our work outfits for the week on Sunday night. I still had my insecurities and my baggage-as we always do-but now I gave a fuck about something more important than my insecurities and my baggage.” “Post-tragedy, I morphed into a new person: responsible, curious, hardworking. Pre-tragedy, I was inhibited, unambitious, forever obsessed and confined by what I imagined the world might be thinking of me,” Manson writes. “Josh’s death marks the clearest before/after point I can identify in my life. Some moments are funny, and some are unexpectedly gutting, as when he describes his friend Josh’s drowning when Manson was a teenager. In his books, Manson flays himself: The Subtle Art, in particular, draws heavily from Manson’s own highs and lows. But the curse words become more frequent when Manson is talking passionately about something, and less frequent when he’s considering every word. At first I think the “fucks” sounds a little forced, in the context of his latest books’ titles-like a kid who swears because he knows it’s going to get a rise out of his mom. It could be his soft, friendly-looking features, or the way he looks comfortable in every chair, even when he’s onstage. Still, Manson, 35, has an aura of approachability. His blog,, boasts over one million monthly readers, with half a million paid subscribers. At press time, it still tops the New York Times bestseller list in its category, and Manson’s recent follow-up, Everything Is F*cked, has been on the bestseller list for 13 weeks. The Subtle Art has sold over six million copies.